Friday, November 26, 2010

Kesal ke penyesalan??

Salam Ukhwah,

Saya nak share 1 artikel dari newspaper berkenaan gejala rasuah yg sgt2 berleluasa dikalangan penjawat2 awam..
Tuntutan Kongres Kesatuan Pekerja-Pekerja Dalam Perkhidmatan Awam (Cuepacs) supaya pihak kerajaan menaikkan gaji asas kakitangan awam antara 10 hingga 40 peratus mendapat maklum balas yang pelbagai dari banyak pihak. Ada yang bersetuju dan ada yang sebaliknya. Manakala pihak yang membuat tuntutan juga ada alasan mereka yang tersendiri.

Bagaimanapun isu ini bukan sesuatu yang baru. Malah pada awal September lepas, isu ini ada dibahaskan di parlimen oleh wakil-wakil rakyat. Alasan mereka ialah gaji kakitangan awam sekarang disifatkan terlalu rendah dan tidak selaras dengan persekitaran ekonomi sekarang yang begitu mencabar. Satu alasan yang ada kebenarannya.

Bukan setakat Ceupacs atau wakil-wakil rakyat yang prihatin akan isu ini. Ketua Polis Negara, Tan Sri Musa Hassan juga prihatin akan nasib anak buahnya. Suatu ketika dahulu, beliau telah dilaporkan telah mengemukakan cadangan kepada Kementerian Dalam Negeri supaya menaikkan gaji polis berpangkat konstabel sehingga Asisten Komisioner Polis (ACP). Apa yang pasti gaji asas RM690 yang dikatakan diterima oleh anggota polis berpangkat konstabel adalah satu pendapatan yang membolehkan mereka tersenarai di bawah kelompok miskin jika Pendapatan Garis Kemiskinan (PGK) bukan Malaysia dijadikan sebagai ukuran di sini. (PGK bukan makanan bagi Malaysia ialah RM691)

Sering kali ketidakcukupan pendapatan untuk menyara kehidupan, menyebabkan ada kakitangan kerajaan terpaksa membuat beberapa pekerjaan lain dalam satu masa bagi memenuhi tuntutan keperluan harian mereka. Ini sebenarnya boleh mengakibatkan tumpuan kepada tugas hakiki mereka terabai atau gagal untuk dilaksanakan dengan sempurna.

Apa yang lebih membimbangkan kita ialah adakalanya, keterdesakan hidup menyebabkan manusia yang lemah iman melakukan perkara yang dilarang agama. Maka masalah-masalah akhlak seperti rasuah akan muncul.

Bekas Perdana Menteri Singapura, Lee Kuan Yew dalam ucapan beliau di World Ethics and Integrity Forum 2005 anjuran Institut Integriti Malaysia ada menyatakan bahawa unsur yang terpenting untuk memerangi rasuah di kalangan penjawat awam ialah menerusi gaji yang selaras dengan taraf kehidupan mereka. Jika dibayar gaji yang rendah berbanding rakan-rakan mereka di sektor swasta, para penjawat awam ini mempunyai kecenderungan untuk menerima pemberian atau suapan. Untuk itu, sejak 40 tahun yang lepas, kerajaan Singapura telah mengambil langkah membayar gaji ahli politik dan penjawat awam yang lain pada kadar 70- 80 peratus gaji purata 6 bidang kerjaya kakitangan yang berjawatan setaraf di sektor swasta.

Hasilnya, Singapura secara berterusan disenaraikan sebagai sebuah negara yang paling telus di Asia oleh Transparency International.

Apa yang dilaksanakan di Singapura sebenarnya telah dilaksanakan oleh Khalifah Umar al-Khattab (r.a) semasa zaman pemerintahnya. Dalam usaha untuk memastikan para pegawai agar tidak terjebak dengan amalan rasuah, Khalifah Umar (r.a) memerintahkan agar mereka diberi gaji yang tinggi. Begitu juga dengan para qadi. Mereka diberi gaji yang sangat berpatutan supaya tiada ruang bagi mereka untuk menerima atau melakukan rasuah. Qadi seperti Salman, Rabi'ah dan Shuraih (r.a) diberi gaji sebanyak 500 dirham sebulan. Mua'wiyah (r.a) pula menerima 1000 dirham sebulan.

Dalam satu hadis yang diriwayatkan oleh al-Auza'i di mana Nabi s.a.w bersabda yang bermaksud:
Sesiapa yang bekerja dengan kami, sekiranya belum lagi beristeri maka ia akan dibayar gaji sehingga ia mampu beristeri, sekiranya ia belum lagi mempunyai seorang pembantu, maka ia akan dibayar gaji sehingga ia mampu mendapatkan seorang pembantu dan sekiranya ia belum mampu lagi mempunyai sebuah rumah, maka dimampukannya (melalui pembayaran gaji) memiliki sebuah rumah.

Daripada hadis ini dapat kita fahami bahawa dalam Islam kadar gaji seseorang itu wajar dibayar sehingga ia boleh menampung satu kehidupan yang selesa.

Bagaimanapun dalam suasana semasa kenaikan gaji ini perlu berdasarkan kepada prestasi pekerja serta produktiviti yang mereka hasilkan di samping keuntungan atau kemampuan kewangan organisasi. Justeru itu perlu satu persefahaman yang jitu di antara pihak majikan dan pekerja. Penyelarasan gaji berdasarkan kepada hasil kerja dan keadaan kewangan syarikat mewujudkan kemamuran antara pekerja dan majikan kerana ia lebih adil dan saksama.

Bagaimanapun, dalam konteks semasa, gaji yang tinggi belum pasti dapat mengekang seseorang itu daripada menerima atau melakukan rasuah. Ia memerlukan satu gabungan usaha beberapa perkara bagi memastikan masalah ini dapat di atasi.

Di sini kekuatan iman amat perlu kerana ada kalanya mereka yang bergaji tinggi juga ada yang melakukan rasuah. Sebab itulah generasi awal Islam menolak sebarang perkara yang boleh mendorong mereka untuk terjebak dalam amalan ini. Malah mereka cuba mengelaknya sehabis mungkin sehinggakan para hakim dilarang untuk dipayung ketika hujan kerana dikhuatiri mereka akan terasa terhutang budi yang akhirnya boleh menyebabkan mereka tidak dapat memberi keadilan semasa menjalankan tugas.

Selain kekuatan dalam, unsur-unsur luaran juga perlu. Keazaman untuk memerangi rasuah oleh pihak kerajaan perlu disertai oleh peruntukan akta anti rasuah yang telus dan unsur penghakiman yang tegas serta satu badan penyiasat yang bebas. Pegawai-pegawai yang terlibat secara langsung dengan urusan penguatkuasaan dan perlesenan seperti polis, kastam, imigresen dan sebagainya perlu ditukar secara berkala selain perlu mengisytiharkan hutang piutang untuk dinilai.

Paling penting ialah iradah siasah (political will). Tanpa unsur ini, usaha membenteras rasuah tidak akan kemana. Antara punca kejayaan kerajaan Singapura mengawal amalan rasuah di republik itu ialah kerana ia telah menjadikan isu ini sebagai agenda utamanya sejak negara tersebut memperolehi status kerajaan sendiri pada tahun 1959. Mungkin dalam sesetengah perkara, ada sesuatu yang berguna yang kita boleh pelajari daripada jiran di seberang tambak ini.
Kadang2 ada tak kita terfikir mengapa dan kenapa mereka mengambil rasuah what we so call 'hadiah' ni??
Itulah yg saya takutkan..kadang2 sebelum p kerja, kita dah niat taknak amik rasuah,tanknak itu, taknak ini..pastu kena sabotaj oleh boss, suh sign borang ni, suh sign penerimaan ni...amacam??

Sebab tu ada banyak penjawat awam yg sanggup berhenti kerja (mana yg tebal imannya) kerana tak sggup nak lihat gejala rasuah yg sgt2la berleluasa la ni..

Tapi bukan perlu di salahkan penjawat awam itu shj, pemberi rasuah lagi la,patutnya disalahkan lebih lagi tau..sebab diaorg ni la yg perosak akidah penjawat2 awam ni...


Thursday, November 25, 2010

Minat saya...

Salam Muhibbah,

Ni nak share benda yg dok saya minat...menulis dan terus menulis...

Ni gmbr baru nak buat post baru...

Selamat beramal...(",)

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Master oh Master...

Salam semua,

This is one of history between MEM n MEBM..i take it from cik Wikipedia la...
"The Master of Engineering Management degree, often abbreviated MEM, can be either an academic or professional master's degree that bridges the gap between the field of engineering and the field of business. A variation is the Master of Science in Engineering *and* Management. It is generally pursued by engineers and scientists interested widening their breadth of knowledge beyond their specific technical field into management and business. It can be earned with a prerequisite BS in engineering or science or as a post-graduate program with a Bachelor of Engineering Management degree.
The MEM degree normally consists of a number of engineering courses focused on technology, as well as numerous business based classes that tend to mirror the first year of a MBA. The Master of Science in Engineering *and* Management offers business classes that are specifically tailored for engineering and science professionals who want to be leaders in their organizations. A MEM or MS in Engineering *and* Management graduate walks away with an understanding of the intersection of the fields of business and technology, and is well suited for with either a management position within an engineering company or a more technically intensive role in a business setting.

Many of the MEM and MS in Engineering and Management programs are still quite young and the academic field is still in the process of growing.
Well, i must concentrate on my master carefully because i can also get my double master instead of MSc EBM and MBA from Meiji University, Japan..Huhuhu...

Hopefully the proses will going smoothly and later i am still hold as Officer in RMN and nerd to say that..i am a brilliant from the others..yahooo...

Tq Allah for give me this what we called rezeki..tq my lovely Mr Hubby for give me an opportunity to continue my study abroad and of course my previous 'big boss' - very cheerful and caring bosses - Captain Jamel n Cdr Mazlan from Faculty Of Engineering, KD PELANDOK...No one can give all of u so called present except Allah SWT..May Allah bless all of u...

Mode : nak p belanja mkn2 kwn2 di office...taraaaa...

Dah dapat result pendaftaran Master..

Salam Ukhwah,

Alhamdulillah,sangat2 bersyukur,saya diterima masuk utk melanjutkan pelajaran ke peringkat Ijazah Sarjana (Master) in Science (Engineering Business Management - EBM)..Yang pasti, saya dah pun diterima utk melanjutkan pelajaran di Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM),universiti dimana saya memperolehi Ijazah saya yg pertama..Alhamdulillah..Terima kasih Ya Allah..Kau berikan aku rezeki ini..semoga bertambah keimanan saya padaNya..aminnn...

Saya sedang menunggu surat tawaran dari UTM sebab saya dapat berita menggembirakan ni melalui email yg disampaikan oleh Sekretariat UTM semalam..

Persediaan skrg adalah dari segi mental dan emosi..semoga perjalanan Master saya ni berjalan lancar..saya nak score yg terbaik..saya nak jd best student..InsyaAllah...saya mesti study rajin2 dan mengekalkan result yg baik supaya senang saya nak apply PhD saya kelak..

Terima kasih Ya Allah kerana memberikan saya rezeki meskipun kadang2 saya ter'jauh'dariMu...Ya Allah, terima kasih kerana memberikan saya peluang utk terus menimba ilmu pengetahuan..Ilmi pengetahuan yg akan saya gunakan utk di dunia dan akhirat kelak..

Will updated soon, surat tawaran yg saya terima...

Mode : walaupun hati sedang berduka lara, tetapi harini gembira sebab dapat result master...

Pasni saya akan updated perjalanan Master saya sampailah saya konvo yek...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Handsome ke James Bond-gambaran Mr Fleming ni??

Salam semua,

Pencarian bermula..

Ian Fleming's Sketch of James Bond

‘Name: Bond, James. Height: 183 cm, weight: 76kg; slim build; eyes: blue; hair: black; scar down right cheek & on left shoulder; all-round athlete; expert pistol shot, boxer, knife-thrower; does not use disguises. Languages: French and German. Smokes heavily (NB: special cigarettes with three gold bands); vices: drink, but not to excess, and women.'
Ian Fleming, From Russia With Love
So reads the file of the soviet anti-spy organization SMERSH on agent 007 of the Secret Service. James Bond’s adventures are thrilling and dangerous, as he combines the worlds of the deadly and the luxurious, surrounded by villains, plots and, of course, beautiful women.

Following Sebastian Faulks's exciting adventure Devil May Care, which took Bond once again along the tightrope of Cold Wat espionage, the world's most famous secret agent returns in 2011 with Jeffery Deaver writing as Ian Fleming.

World War II - Ian Fleming..

Salam Ukhwah,

This is my favorite entry to share..taken from Ian Fleming website..layan..(",)

At the outbreak of war Ian Fleming was commissioned as a Lieutenant Commander RNVR in the Naval Intelligence Division. He entered the now famous Room 39 in the Admiralty as Personal Assistant to the Director of Naval Intelligence, Admiral John Godfrey.

Ian Fleming in the Admiralty, Times Newspapers LtdFleming worked tirelessly throughout the war and was involved with the work of every section of naval intelligence. As one of the key members of NID 17, he played a pivotal role in co-ordinating special intelligence to ensure the smooth running of the British and Allied war machine.

Fleming's energetic personality and imagination and keen organisational skills were valuable attributes. He attended countless committees where he contributed to the work of the Political Warfare Executive, Joint Intelligence Committee, Special Operations Executive and Secret Intelligence Service. Fleming's distinctive literary style can be recognised in the daily situation reports and regular draft memos he wrote. He is also credited with building a strong list of civilian contacts outside Whitehall on which the Intelligence machine came to rely. It is now known that he liaised between the Admiralty and Bletchley Park, the top secret codebreaking institution in Buckinghamshire.

Fleming's war work took him on official trips overseas. In 1941 and 1942 he and Godfrey made confidential missions to the US to report back on US intelligence organisations and to co-ordinate them with those in the UK. Their work with William Stephenson, the legendary 'Intrepid', and 'Wild' Bill Donovan contributed to the establishment of the office that was to go on to become the CIA.

Fleming's work also took him to France, Spain and North Africa, where he visited British embassies and nurtured Operation Golden Eye - a plan to provide for the defence of Gibraltar should the Germans try to invade through Spain. He also travelled as a representative of NID to Ceylon, Jamaica and Australia and to conferences in Cairo and Tehran.

Admiral Godfrey, used with permission from the Imperial War MuseumIn 1942, inspired by German intelligence commandos, Fleming began to shape the 30 Assault Unit, a detachment of intelligence personnel whose work was to accompany troops on raids with the purpose of obtaining intelligence, such as cyphers, and weapons. The unit grew from a strength of about 60 in 1942 to nearer 450 by the end of the war.

Patrick Beesly, an NID colleague of Fleming, wrote in his biography of Admiral Godfrey, 'Those of us who saw Ian at close quarters during the war are agreed that he made a very great contribution indeed to NID's success.' Admiral Godfrey himself said: 'Ian should have been DNI and I his naval adviser'.

It is unquestionably true that so much of what Ian saw and learnt in his role at the NID found its way into James Bond adventures. Admiral Godfrey is generally considered to be the inspiration for M. 
There was a creak from M's chair and Bond looked across the table at the man who held a great deal of his affection and all his loyalty and obedience.
                                                                                                                                            Diamonds Are Forever, 1956
Ian himself said, 'I could not have had a more interesting time.' However, like everyone else involved in intelligence, he had signed the Official Secrets Act, and he never spoke openly about his wartime work. 

In 1942, he attended a U boat conference in Jamaica, and although it rained heavily while he was there, he fell in love with the country and promised to return after the war and build himself a house.

My Comment : Mesti Ian Fleming ni seorang pemikir dan daya imaginasi dia sgt2 tinggi...

Friday, November 19, 2010

Penangan Lady Gaga..kita???

Salam Ukhwah,

Ini petikan berita, besar betul penangan Lady Gaga ni kan??
(saya n mr hubby suka baca

WITH the music thumping and the crowd cheering, Shenna Jacques and Charlie Reeve gyrate to the beat on stage.

Meaty issue ... Lady GaGa
Meaty issue ... Lady GaGa
Both performers are decked out in fishnets and tiny corsets but they are not professional adult dancers - they are schoolgirls, aged just eight and nine.
The kids are paid to appear at children's parties dressed in similar revealing outfits to their idol, pop star Lady GaGa.
And mums Tasha Jacques and Chellie Reeve are so keen to promote Shenna and Charlie's act that the girls even have their own manager and website.
However, not everyone is a fan of the schoolgirls' GaGa routines. Some disapproving mothers have even walked out of their shows.

Revealing ... the young pair in GaGa-style outfits
Revealing ... the young pair in GaGa-style outfits
Known as the Mini GaGas, Shenna and Charlie have found fame around their local town of Falmouth, Cornwall, as they don blonde wigs, bikinis and even GaGa's highly controversial meat dress to perform.
Their mums - along with Charlie's sister Haylee, 20, who acts as manager - charge between £30 to £60 for the girls to perform and make the replica GaGa outfits between them.

Tasha, 28, a single mum to Shenna, believes the girls' performances are nothing more than a bit of fun and dreams of the pair winning The X Factor when they are old enough.
She says: "We're proud to be pushy parents and think having the girls perform from an early age will serve them well in the future.
"When the girls expressed an interest three months ago in performing as their favourite pop star, Lady GaGa, we thought it was a fantastic idea.

'Proud to be pushy' ... (l-r) mum Chellie, manager Haylee and other mum Tasha
'Proud to be pushy' ... (l-r) mum Chellie, manager Haylee and other mum Tasha
"Since then they have been working at children's parties every weekend and have been inundated with requests to perform.
"Kids no longer want clowns or magicians at their birthday celebrations. They want to be entertained by the Mini GaGas."
Charlie's mum Chellie, 40, and dad Shayne, 41, are also both supportive of their daughter.
Full-time mum Chellie says: "The girls are born performers. They love GaGa and want to dress and act like her. We see nothing wrong with that.
"People are shocked at the way they mimic GaGa. Their routines include them gyrating and crawling around the stage in their costumes.
"But that is what Lady GaGa does and they want to be exactly like her."

Dancing up a storm ... best friends Charlie and Shenna
Dancing up a storm ... best friends Charlie and Shenna
As well as having a website that shows the girls dressed in skin-tight bodysuits and bikinis, the mums hand out flyers in Cornwall and Devon to promote their kids' shows.
Haylee says: "We get at least one booking a week and the money goes into a fund for the girls.
"We all pitch in to make the costumes. We make the meat dress with cuts from our local butcher for £11 a time.
"It's worth all the hard work though. The meat dress is the favourite of the performance. The kids love it."
The mums of Shenna, eight, and Charlie, nine, do not think the revealing costumes or provocative dance moves are a problem.
Tasha says: "Anyone who says we are exploiting or over-sexualising the girls is talking rubbish.

Practising the routines ... the girls with manager Haylee
Practising the routines ... the girls with manager Haylee
"Obviously some of the parents at the parties react badly and we hear them tutting when the Mini GaGas perform. But this is only because they are jealous and wish their kids had such a great talent."
Haylee agrees: "I think it's worse that some parents allow their young children to run around on the beach wearing nothing but knickers in front of strangers.
"Even though our girls wear fishnets and corsets, it is done in a fun way - not tarty."
Tasha and Chellie think the idea their kids could be targeted by sexual predators is ridiculous. Chellie says: "We supervise the girls closely and they are certainly in no way a target to paedophiles.
"Most parents don't allow photos to be taken at children's parties, and when the Mini GaGas perform I make sure the party organiser knows every man in the audience.

Provocative ... girls in barely-there GaGa-themed outfits
Provocative ... girls in barely-there GaGa-themed outfits
"We know where the girls are all the time and never even let them walk to and from school alone.
"Not allowing these girls to express their natural talent would be wrong. We can't live our lives worried about doing anything fun simply because a paedophile might see it."
The Mini GaGas' outrageous costumes include a spangled white leotard with lace tights and, most shockingly, a police cordon tape outfit like the one the singer wore in the explicit version of her video for No1 song Telephone. They also have a collection of wigs, glasses and stick-on face jewellery. During the performance, the Mini GaGas mime the songs and, after a fashion parade, get everyone dancing. Some parents join in but others leave in horrified protest.
Tasha, who is a carer, says: "For the most part, the audience love it.
"But some parents feel the need to accuse us of exploiting the girls and say their clothes are too grown-up and revealing.
"I simply tell them that if they don't like it, they should leave. No one is forcing them to watch."
Chellie adds: "The girls have been born with the gift to perform, but like all kids they need a little push in the right direction.
"You have to start young to get noticed and these girls are stars of the future. They will be the next big thing, mark my words."
Best friends Shenna and Charlie, who also do ballet and tap dancing, both say they want to be on The X Factor or work as models when they grow up.
Shenna giggles: "I'm always reading celebrity magazines to see the latest GaGa outfits. I want to wear the black leather biker one next.

"Dressing up and singing Lady GaGa is much more fun than playing with Barbies."
Charlie agrees: "I love looking so grown-up and having my hair and make-up done by Mummy.
"Doing the parties at the weekend has made us both feel like celebrities, and our mums say it will help us be stars in the future."
Manager Haylee adds: "Lady GaGa has shown that you can become a star from working hard at a young age and from being controversial. This is what we all hope for the Mini GaGas.
"They're the next big stars. Nothing can stand in their way."

Ok, itu cerita Lady Gaga..

Kalau difikir dari aspek yg baik, macam mana?Can we think twice, how can this kind of people can make money and interaction just only like finger trips??can we imagine that??

So, katakan anak2 remaja sekarang terikut2 budaya Lady Gaga ni, mcm mana?kalau ikut dari segi positif


Marilah kita fikir2kan..layan..(",)

Bulan akhir..oh zulhijjah..

Salam semua,

Bulan Zulhijjah adalah bulan terakhir dlm Islam, bulan penghujung sebelum masuk ke bulan baru, Muharram..inilah dinamakan bulan hijrah..bulan berhijrah ke tahun baru..Insya Allah, jika dipanjangkan umur bertemulah kita dengan tahun baru 1433H..

Dan, yg pastinya saya pun akan berhijrah ke tempat baru, tempat asing bagi diri saya..saya tak kan menjadikan ini sebagai satu penghalang utk saya terus berjaya..saya dah berjanji dgn diri saya utk membuat yg terbaik dan saya akan pastikan diri saya akan dihargai dan amat2 diperlukan di tempat baru..InsyaAllah...

Zharifah ketika berusia setahun..

Perjalanan saya masih panjang..pelbagai dugaan bakal menjelma dan saya perlu hadapi semuanya kerana saya sedar, saya hanya hamba Allah yg tak punya apa2 kecuali ketaqwaan kepada Allah SWT...

Anak kesayangan saya makin membesar dan amat2 comel..kebanyakkan orang sekeliling kata wajahnya persis papanya..kadang2 papanya berasa bangga pulak sebab orang kata Zharifah amat comel, then, papanya pun terperasan la..hehehhe..

Zharifah yg cute..

Pada saya, saya nak buat dan berikan yg terbaik utk Zharifah..saya sanggup lakukan apa2 saja demi anak saya ni..saya nak dia membesar dlm keadaan yg happy dan tdk tertekan..saya nak bawa dia jalan2 mengelilingi dunia..saya nak beri dia apa yg mak dan ayah saya tak pernah beri pada saya, jgn salah faham, bukan saya salahkan mak dan ayah sebab saya sedar, mak dan ayah saya tak mampu nak beri kemewahan pada bahkan bukan saja pada saja, pada diri mereka sendiri pun belum tentu mampu..sebab itu saya bertekad utk belajar bersungguh2 dan ingin mengubah kehidupan saya..

Alahamdulillah, sekarang berjaya sedikit demi sedikit..

Itu perihal mak dan ayah saya, walau macam mana pun, saya tetap bersyukur kerana diberi mak dan ayah yg sgt memahami dan tegas dlm mendidik saya utk menjadi insan yg terbaik,
even tak berapa nak baik pun saya ni..hehehehhe...Thanks Allah for give me everything in this world..thanks Allah for give me mak n ayah..

Saya memang suka mengembara dan ianya menjadi impian saya utk mengembara ke bumi Englad..dan, itu akan saya kotakan...saya akan berada di bumi England in one day..believe me...PhD in my hand..

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

That is life..

Salam semua,

This is what i paste from google...(renung2kanlah...)

The argument in this thread from day one is the cost of living in each country (especially UK and Europe) based on what you earn in the respective country and whether the standards are higher than in Malaysia .

I tried to point out that many Malaysians always convert and that is why they say the UK is expensive. In fact, the cost of living is much cheaper than in Malaysia .

In actual fact, Malaysians are being conned because for such a rich and resource rich country, the pay in Malaysia is way too low compared to the cost of living and inflation.

One good example is Singapore .

Singaporeans (average) earns around S$3000 to S$4000 and nearly everything is half the price of Malaysia , e.g. clothes, computer parts, electronics, etc. But the average Malaysian still earns RM$2000 plus and goods are double the price of Singapore .

This is the same as the UK . If you earn around 2000 pounds, you can liken this to the person earning RM$2000 in Malaysia . I give you some examples below. Maybe you can understand.

1) Good terrace house
It is more or less the same. If you want a house in KL, it would most probably be in Puchong and not Damansara Heights . So your house would be RM$200,000. In UK ( London !), you can get a decent new house in Zone 6 (still within the tube) for 200,000 pounds.

If non London , you can get a nice house also for less than 200,000 pounds outside London ( Manchester = <100, 000 pounds). The same also applies to buying a house in Seremban, Kajang etc. You can buy a nice house for RM200, 000 below. So buying a house is the same for the local and the Malaysian.

Renting a place is the same too or maybe cheaper than in Malaysia (I am not sure of this). A 2-bedroom flat in London is about 750 pounds (Zone 2). 500 pounds outside Zone 6 but still able to commute to London . A 2-bedroom house in Nottingham is 450 to 500 pounds. A 3-bedroom house in Belfast and Manchester is about 300-350 pounds

2) A car
A good Wira is RM$55,000. Most Malaysians have to take 7-year loans and be in debt all the time. If you are earning RM$2000 a mon th, you take nearly 3 years saving the RM$2000 with not eating at all just to buy a Wira.

In UK , the average local earns about 2000 pounds. He saves 3 mon ths, he can buy outright a good Ford Fiesta or a Vauxhall Corsa without being in debt.

If buying a second hand car, even better. A 1990 Mercedes 190E cost 500 pounds. My 1996 Mercedes E220 cost 2000 pounds. My friend just gave me his 1989 Honda Accord (Auto) for free because he said he could only get 30 pounds for it.

I used it for a few mon ths and decided to give it of for free too. That alone speaks for itself.

Even if you are kuli or an office boy, you still can drive a Mercedes or a BM. Yes, kuli's and office boy's get paid quite well.

Average temp/office boy in London can earn about 7 to 10 pounds and hour. Overtime is 1.5 times or double. A brick-layer can earn 20 pounds an hour.

The same Indon who lays bricks in Malaysia earns RM$50 for the whole day.

Before I became a doctor, I used to be an office boy and I earned near 300 pounds a week working about 70 hours a week. My makan was 30 pounds a week. My rent was 70 pounds a week for a room but I still drove a BMW back then. I bought the 10-year old BMW 3 Series car for 200 pounds.

Amazing how an office boy can drive a safe and luxurious car.

3) Petrol
For a UK person earning 2000 pounds, 80 pence (now: 92 pence) a litre/gallon is cheaper than RM$1.52 (now: RM$1.92!) paid in Malaysia . If you don't convert, it is like paying 80 sen a litre in Malaysia

4) Shopping
20 pounds (which is 1% of 2000 pounds) can buy you 1 week's worth of groceries in Tesco. RM$100 (which is 10% of RM$2000) can also buy you 1 week's worth of groceries in Giant or Carrefour.

5) Utility Bills (This is what I pay in UK )
Virtually non-stop heating the whole day only 20 pounds a mon th (Only 1% of the 2000 pounds earned).
Electricity, I use my electricity maximum only 20 pounds a mon th.(Only 1% of the 2000 pounds earned)
My water bill also comes to about 20 pounds a mon th (Only 1% of the 2000 pounds earned)
My internet - I get 2Mbps for about 25 pounds (Bulldog DSL) (Also slightly above 1% of the 2000 pounds earned)
Astro Equivalent (NTL cable or Sky) - 30 pounds per mon th (Also slightly above 1% of the 2000 pounds earned)

In Malaysia , this is what I used to pay:

Tenaga Bill comes to RM$200 to RM300 a mon th with 3 air-cons. This is more than 10% of the RM$2000 earned) Water (Puas) comes to RM$40 (This is about 2% of the RM$2000 earned) Astro RM$100 (if you take Chinese package) (This is about 5% of the RM$2000 you earn) Internet Streamyx 512K RM 88 per mon th (This is about 5% of RM2000 you earn)

6) Books
A good book is about 10 to 15 pounds in the UK . This is less than 1% of the 2000 pounds you earn. In Malaysia , you have to spend RM$75 to RM$100 for a decent book in MPH or Kinokuniya in KLCC. This is about 5% of the RM$2000 ringgit you earn.

7) Education
I think it is about RM$20,000 per year to do a degree in Sunway Monash and about RM$12,000 per year to send your kid to UM, UKM, USM etc. I am not sure about this.

But in UK , it is only 3000 pounds a year to send your kid to a great university. That also, the white man still makes a lot of noise because the grants were taken away. Previously, it was virtually free for the English man to send his kid to university but now, since the grant was taken away, he has to spend 3000 pounds per year to send his kid to university and less mon ey to get drunk in the pub.

Well, if you are earning RM$2000 ringgit, sending your kid to UM to study is quite difficult. If you are earning 2000 pounds per mon th, you can easily send you kid to university in the UK .

Even worse for the poor non bumi's not given a place in local university.

Even if they can afford, they won't get a place because of the quota system. Unfortunately, the Chinaman and the Indian who gets 5A's in STPM have to be sacrificed and not given a place to let the Malay fellow with 2E's and 3 Fail's to enter the Medical Faculty or Law Faculty.

So the non-bumi's have to save RM100,000 per year to send their kid to the UK . In the UK , at least the white man still can go into university based on results and merit and only pay 3000 pounds per year.

8) Luxuries
Panasonic Plasma TV in Malaysia about RM20,000. If you are earning RM$2000 a mon th, memang mahal! You have to save 2 years your mon thly salary to buy it. In UK , the same Panasonic (ironically, Panasonic plasma is made in Japan and Japan is close to Malaysia , so the plasma should be cheaper in Malaysia ) is only 200 pounds. And this is only 10% of the 2000pounds earned.

9) Health
NHS is free. Though the service is slow, quality is still there. You still can get a top quality by-pass for free although you may have to wait many mon ths. In Malaysia , IJN charges RM$30,000. SJMC charges RM$50,000. GH is free but as many people know, GH and UH have clown doctors.

10) Assessments to local councils
I may pay high council tax but at least my council assures my streets are clean and safe, got no holes (pot holes) on my roads, and they jump and attend to me whenever I call them.

When I stayed in Malaysia, I paid my assessment and quite rent but MPSJ I lived in Subang) told me to "podah" whenever I asked them to come and fill up the pot holes, cut the long lalang, put street lighting etc The councils, especially MPPJ and MPSJ, were more interested in eating nasi lemak and going for 10 teh tariks in a day during office hours and hardly did anything for their residents.

11) Income Tax
My national insurance and income tax also is not wasted. When I was unemployed in 1997, the government, i.e. social security, paid for my 2-bedroom flat for one whole year and I was given about 100 pounds per week for me and my wife to live on. I am happy to know that one day if I lose my job, I can still claim social security and get my apartment paid and food to eat again for free. It is a good security to know.

The list goes on. Here alone you can see, the sterling you earn goes a long way in the UK . So your quality of life is far better in the UK than a Malaysian in Malaysia . It is just that Malaysians are just too content with what they have. But you compare apple for apple.

The British just love to complain. They have it made but still they love to complain. Nothing is good enough for the British. The government gives the citizens so much but they still seem to want more and more.

Tuesday, November 09, 2010

UoB dalam ingatan..

salam semua,

Paste entry from UoB..huhuhu..

Postgraduate Open Day
Wednesday 24 November 2010
11.00am – 4.00pm
Aston Webb Building
Edgbaston Campus

Dear Nor Fyadzillah, Thank you for completing your recent registration to the University of Birmingham Postgraduate Open Day from 11am-4pm on November 24th 2010.

Further information about the Open Day, including a map of the campus and copy of the programme will be sent to you prior to the event. If you do not wish to receive this please click on the opt out function at the foot of this email.

Information can also be found at

If you have any questions about the Postgraduate Open Day, please feel free to contact us on 0121 414 5430 or

The University of Birmingham
B15 2TT
United Kingdom
UK Telephone: 0121 414 5430
Overseas Telephone: +44 121 414 3850
Fax: 0121 414 3971

P/S : saya dah hantar permohonan online..dah lulus pun...tapi..???

Semakin berdebar..

Salam Zulhijah semua,

Saya semakin berdebar la skrg sebab sampai harini saya masih belum dpt result kemasukan saya ke UTM utk program Master saya..Entahla, nak SMS dgn Director segan tapi saya masih terkesima la..since nothing news from UTM..tapi takpe, saya masih setia menunggu dan tetap menunggu..Lucky, my kawan baik masa di UTM dulu pun sudi utk ambil course yg sama, so, ada la kawan sama2 ke kelas dan buat assignment, thank you Erika!!

My Mak ketika sambut birthday..

Ketika saya convo UTM 2005..

Saya akan berpuasa nazar sehari sekiranya permohonan saya berjaya, InsyaAllah..Act, saya ada janji dgn Allah yg belum saya tunaikan..berpuasa seminggu sempena saya dapat menghabiskan degree saya ontime..dah lama kan??yup, terlalu lama dan sampai sekarang masih belum berganti..InsyaAllah, saya nak realisasikan lps hbs saya menyertai pertandingan badminton antara pegawai2 ATM, Polis, Bomba dan PPTD..that's my promise!!!

Lately, saya dah hilang mood dalam segala benda..malas nak updated n malas nak siapkan laporan akhir tahun..segala2nya menjadi hilang mood sebab saya masih dalam keadaan berdebar..memang saya tak blh nak gmbarkan perasaan saya ketika ni..hanya Allah yg Maha Mengetahui..

Bersama Erika..

Saya senang kalau waktu2 begini mr hubby bawa saya jalan2 ke tempat2 air terjun ke..sambil2 mkn bihun n buah tembikai..huhuhu..seronok je rasa..

Saya masih dalam debaran..will updated soon about my master...

Pesanan saya :

"Bersegeralah kamu kepada ampunan dari Tuhanmu dan ke syurga, lebarnya seluas langit dan bumi, disediakan untuk orang2 yang taqwa"

Surah Ali-Imran ayat 133

Monday, November 08, 2010

Tinggal tawaran..

Salam semua,

Saya dah dapat pra-pendaftaran online program master di University Of Birmingham (UoB), di UK tapi itu hanya tinggal angan2 saja memandangkan saya masih didalam service, mana mungkin saya boleh meninggalkan kerja saya semata-mata utk smbung belajar di oversea (mimpila..)..lagi2 la saya ni wanita, amat payah utk mendapat tempat sambung belajar..dlm Malaysia pun susah inikan pula oversea..huhu..

Kenangan saja..

Apapun, saya tak kisah..maybe ini bukan peluang utk saya dan mungkin memang bukan rezeki utk time la kalau dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki, dapatlah saya menjejakkan kaki di bumi England utk menyambung pengajian saya dlm bidang EBM dan sudah pastinya utk PhD akan datang..

Kalau sampai saya terpaksa melepaskan jawatan apa yg saya ada sekarang pun saya sanggup asalkan cita2 saya tercapai..saya nak jadi pendidik anak bangsa..Ya Allah, tolong dan bantulah hamdaMu yg hina dina ini Ya Allah..aminnn

"Allah tidak akan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu sehingga dia berusaha untuk mengubah nasibnya.."

Sunday, November 07, 2010


Salam Zulhijah semua,

Harini hari yg happy sebab salah seorang dari sepupu saya yg sudah sekian lama tak berjumpa, dtg ke rumah saya di perak ni..Last kami jumpa rasanya 10 tahun yg lalu..selepas dari tu memang terputus hubungan, padahal dia adalah sepupu saya yg paling rapat ketika kami kecil2 dulu..huh, time were so fast!!

Mama n Zharifah..

 Papa n Zharifah..

Saya masak nasi ayam harini, sempena kedatangan sepupu saya tu..well, tak berapa sedap kot sebab dia dan isterinya makan sedikit sahaja..setelah sepupu saya berkahwin ni, baru first time berjumpa dgn wife dia..anak pun dah 2 orang, boy!!

Seronok jgk weekend ni, saya nak melupakan semua kesedihan yg dialami 2-3 hari yg lepas..apa pun yg orang nak cakap tentang kita, kita tak boleh nak halang..mulut orang kan??apa yg saya boleh buat, saya kena insaf la..saya pun kadang2 tercakap hal org ni, kena kat saya..kena kat batang hidung sendiri baru boleh rasa insaf..hehehehehe...

Alhamdulillah, semoga orang yg berkata buruk tentang saya tu pun akan insaf juga..tak insaf sekarang, 1 day nanti ok!!doa orang2 yg teraniaya ni selalu dimakbulkan oleh Allah SWT..InsyaAllah..

BTW, no point to talked about just want to share happy weekend..outs!!

Saturday, November 06, 2010

Pelbagai Kegunaan Cuka

Salam everyone,

Cuka sering digunakan sebagai pembersih atau pencuci yang berkesan untuk menghapuskan bakteria berikutan paras asid yang terkandung di dalamnya. Membersih menggunakan cuka adalah kaedah bijak untuk mengelak penggunaan bahan kimia selain ia mesra alam dan menjimatkan.

* Buat sendiri bahan pencuci dengan mencampurkan 1/4 cawan soda bikarbonat, 1 sudu cecair pencuci dan cuka. Bersihkan permukaan dapur menggunakan bahan tersebut.

* Bersih dan harumkan tong sampah dengan campuran 1/2 cawan soda bikarbonat dan cuka. Biarkan selama 5 minit dan curahkan air panas.

* Bersihkan ketuhar gelombang dengan campuran 1/2 cawan cuka dan 1/2 cawan air. Didihkan campuran tersebut dalam ketuhar gelombang, memudahkan kekotoran yang melekat tanggal dan menghilangkan bau.
Untuk perkakasan kaca yang kusam, rendam tisu dapur atau kain pengelap di dalam cuka, kemudian balut kertas atau kain tersebut pada perkakasan. Biarkan seketika sebelum dibilas sehingga bersih.* Hilangkan kesan kekotoran pada teko dengan campuran 1/2 cawan cuka dan air, biarkan semalaman. Untuk mendapatkan kesan lebih drastik didihkan cuka dengan air di dalam teko tersebut beberapa minit. Biarkan sejuk dan bilas.
* Hilangkan kesan kopi pada cawan. Caranya gosok garam atau soda bikarbonat bersama cuka pada cawan tersebut dan bilas bersih.

* Hilangkan kesan hitam pada teko aluminium dengan didihkan campuran 1 cawan cuka dan 1 cawan air panas.

* Gunakan semburan cuka untuk elak semut di kawasan luar rumah terutama berhampiran jajaran pintu dan tingkap.

* Hilangkan bau akibat makanan lama dalam peti sejuk. Mula-mula bersihkan bahagian yang berkenaan dengan sabun dan air. Sembur di bahagian permulaan dengan cuka dan lap dengan kain. Isi soda bikarbonat dalam bekas dan letak di dalam peti sejuk. Biarkan beberapa hari.

* Untuk memudahkan kerja-kerja membersihkan perkakasan membakar, semburkan campuran cuka dan air di atas permukaan.

* Harumkan tandas anda dengan memasukkan 3 cawan cuka ke dalam mangkuk tandas kira-kira setengah jam, kemudian pam tandas.

* Untuk menjadikan mangkuk tandas bersinar, tuangkan secawan atau lebih cuka yang dicampur air, biarkan beberapa jam atau semalaman, bersihkan menggunakan berus tandas dan bilas.

* Tanda pada permaidani boleh dihilangkan dengan campiran 2 sudu cuka dan 1/4 cawan garam atau soda bikarbonat. Gosok bahan tersebut pada kesan kotoran dan keringkan.

(credit to Sihat Selalu blog..)


Monday, November 01, 2010

Istimewanya dia dimata saya..

Salam Haji,

Harini adalah hari pertama dalam bulan nov, juga hari pertama bg mggu ni (isnin) dan semestinya ada baki 2 bulan lagi saya di tempat kerja lama ni..And, for sure that this week is final board for my next posting place!!Yuhuuu, rasanya hari khamis ni board tu..Harap2 tiada masalah jika saya di tukarkan ke KL, Ya Allah, bantulah hambamu ini ya Allah..
Mggu ni kalau ikutkan banyak dateline yg perlu disiapkan tapi saya buat endah tak endah jek..saya try siapka 1 persatu asalkan siap..superior nak bising ke, tak ke, ada saya kisah??

Story pasal orang yg paling istimewa dimata saya ni, yelah, sebenarnya ianya terlalu peribadi tapi saya nak luahkan jgk, itupun kalau ada yg baca blog saya la, if not, blog saya boleh dikira sbg diary peribadi saya dan keluarga..

Sepanjang saya kenal dgn dia ni, orangnya sgt sederhana, tak memilih even kadang2 memilih tapi still boleh accepted..pada mulanya, dia ni memang kalau orang tak kenal ingat dia sombong dan terlalu egoistik dan semestinya dia ni lelaki la kan??Dia ni susah saya nak describe hal peribadinya..dia terlalu berterus terang dan kadang2 rasa kesian pun ada..dan, yang paling penting dia ni terlalu merendah diri sampaikan superior pun selalu nak pijak kepala dia..

Dia ni orangnya sangat baik hati baik dengan keluarga mahupun kawan2, walaupun saya dah kenal lama tapi dia tak pernah bercerita perihal keburukan kawan2..rahsia mereka memang ditutup seketat-ketatnya..itu yg saya sangat respek kat dia..humble sgtla..
Dia ni seorang yg penyayang dan berbudi bahasa, sangat menghormati pegawai atasan dan orang2 sekeliling dia pun ramai yg respek kat sikap dan perangai dia ni..tapi dia ni jenis tak pandai melawan pihak atasan..kalau kena marah bukan disebabkan dia pun, dia diamkan saja, pada dia, malas nak bergaduh panjang dan membesar-besarkan cerita...

Dia sangatlah positif tak kira dari pelbagai sudut pun, itu yg saya respek tu..apa2pun, saya berterima kasih sebab dia sudi menjadi sahabat karib saya dunia dan akhirat..tapi 1 je, kadang2 dia ni tak berapa nak romantik dan kadang2 tak boleh jadi pendengar yg setia..mengapa??

To be continue...

Pengalaman menjadi Tutor di UK

Assalam semua readers, Alhamdulillah, praised to Allah Al-Mighty, saya diberi peluang untuk menimba ilmu dan pengalaman menjadi Tutor unt...