Monday, January 05, 2015

Medical Check Up di Columbia Asia Hospital

Assalam all,

Harini saya ke Columbia Asia Hospital utk medical check up yg ditetapkan oleh pihak MARA. Kena buat medical either di Hospital kerajaan or hospital swasta (probably not a clinic).

So, i chose this hospital due to it's not too far from my home. So, it's easy for me to reach as early as i can. 

Saya datang awal, jam 8:15 dah ada di hospital memandangkan hospital ni agak famous di area sini. Ramai patient especially chinese using this service. Alhamdulillah, dtg awal so cepatlah prosesnya.

        Dian at Columbia Asia Hospital

             Their awesome canteen!

Last week saya dh datang tp terlalu ramai org so diaorg suggest saya dtg harini (Isnin, 5 Jan). 

Saya memang x pernah gunakan perkhidmatan hospital swasta kecuali masa pregnant kan Dian, memang check selalu di either clinic or hospital swasta (maternity). So, i can say it's my pleasure 1st time ever.

What i can say is:

1. Service - terbaik sebab mereka guide you from the starting point until the end. Takdelah kita tergapai-gapai keseorangan n selalu je kena sound bila tersalah masuk bilik ke (as my experience before). Doctor and nurse are very helpful and nice. For my thinking-patutnya org2 kat Malaysia ni prefer amik insurance then guna khidmat hospital swasta, ehmm.
2. Bayaran - utk saya ni, kena charge RM203.85, it's very affordable and realiable, tak terlalu mahal. Sebab ia termasuk harga x-ray, lab test (blood and urine). Kalau buat di hospital kerajaan, lepas x-ray kena dapatkan surat drpd klinik swasta and it's will cost you around RM40 (My own experience during My undergraduate study). 
3. Faster results - Yup, it's only takes around 1 day to get your results. Some hospital will give around 3-4 hours (depend). Kalau di hospital kerajaan, you need at least 1-2 weeks to get it. Kalau ada masa lebih, bolehlah buat di hospital kerajaan (as it's will reduce your cost) tp kena tggu lama sikit.
4. Canteen - it's funny to put it here but bear in mind, it's one of the influence factor for some people chose their hospital. I can say, this hospital had a great menu at their awesome canteen (like a hotel thought!).

It's all about medical check up today. Tomorrow i will pick up my results at 10:30am.

Still waiting for another letter in order for me completed the documents to MARA.

May Allah ease everything for me.

Best Regards, 
Dr to be - Intan


  1. Drpd post sebelum ni. Mcm mne bleh master kt japan? Blaja bahasa japan ke?

  2. Saudara Hasif,

    Saya buat double master (UTM dan Meiji University). Belajar bahasa jepun sebagai tambahan saja sebab thesis dalam english.


  3. Salam, nak tanya buat medical checkup RM203.85 tu termasuk HIV 1 & 2 test tu ye?

  4. Puan, MSc EBM ini ada exam atau kesemuanya cost work? TK


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