Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Ready for Tokyo, Japan...

Assalam all,

Are u ready?


Ehmmm, ready la kot..susah nak gambarkan apa yang saya dah ready..beg?..its about 50% dah pack la..tinggal nak sumbat2 mana yang patut bawa saja. Its complete finished..InsyaAllah. Ada lebih kurang kurang dari 52 jam sebelum boarding..yup, saya akan berlepas ke Tokyo pada jumaat ini - InsyaAllah..hope kawan2 doakan perjalanan saya ini success..

Yang saya risaukan keadaan di sana. Bukan apa, sebelum menjejakkan kaki ke Meiji University, Tokyo, dah jenuh juga saya study apa yang perlu dibuat untuk thesis saya bersama Prof Feihong Jiang (my SV), kalut ada, bersemangat tu rasanya 20% je and the rest saya banyak gemuruh. Yelah, ini first time in my life mengambil Course dari luar negara. Sebelum ni di Malaysia saja, even my MEBM pun dari UTM, and now my MBA comes from Japan..Speechless juga la..but, in my mind, Syukur Alhamdulillah..

MEBM is completely finished and now running another MBA. Fuh, penatnya nak study, nak tulis research paper lagi, berserabut rasanya kepala ni - tapi, kenalah kuatkan semangat, bukan senang nak senang dan bukan susah nak susah..

Hidup ini memang penuh dengan dugaan dan cabaran dari Allah SWT. Kita kena kejar ilmu Allah seberapa banyak yg boleh. Sebab Allah takkan mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum itu kalau dia tidak berusaha untuk mengubahnya. Pada saya pelaburan ke atas pendidikan adalah sesuatu yang menguntungkan - memang tak nampak sekarang, ia akan menjadi asset di masa depan. Begitu juga pendidikan untuk anak2 - such as hantar ke kelas muzik, belajar taekwando etc, itu semua memang memerlukan wang tetapi ianya amat bernilai untuk masa depan. I strongly believe in that!

Apa yang saya mohon, moga2 Allah merahmati perjalanan saya ini. Semoga saya sentiasa dalam peliharaan Allah SWT, dikuatkan iman dan akal untuk melihat kebesaranNya..Aminn..

Sampai jumpa lagi..will updated my blog at Tokyo, Japan.

Tokyo Tourist Information. Welcome to Tokyo, Japan
di kawasan tumpuan pelancong - daerah Asasuka

Fyad San.

::F.Y.A.D:: forever and ever humble...

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Jangan Gossip..*untuk diri sendiri..

Assalam semua,

Terpanggil untuk berceloteh tentang tajuk..Please, janganla bergossip..
standard terms..
Saya ada terbaca petikan dari FB UAI..katanya, "Kalau bergossip tentang perkara yang benar tentang diri seseorang (aib), itu namanya mengumpat dan kalau bergossip tentang perkara yang tidak diketahui kebenarannya, itu namanya menfitnah.."

Anda tahu dosa menfitnah..nauzubillah...tak perlulah saya perkatakan disini.

Persoalannya, mengapa kadang2 kita taknak pun bergossip tapi tiba2 datang kawan dengan ayat power dia.."wei, ko tau si polan..tu..kena tangkap..bla..bla.."..haha, kita terjerumus ke arah maksiat hati..wei, maksiat hati susah nak hilang kalau dah selalu disimpan..Ya Allah, jauhkan dari maksiat ini ya Allah..aminnn..

Okes, back to the tittle..

Yelah, sebenarnya, kita boleh hindari diri kita dari terjerumus ke arah maksiat hati ni..antara tips yang di berikan oleh Prof Dr Muhaya.."bila kita dikalangan kawan yang sedang bergossip, please kita try tukar topik..biar semua tersentap asalkan kita tak menangung dosa yang sama..."..Persoalannya, boleh ke?Ye, boleh kalau kita dah tetapkan dalam diri untuk berubah...Sama2lah kita berdoa..

Tak baik membuka aib orang lain..

Itu adalah nasihat untuk diri saya dan kawan2 sekalian..apa yang telah berlaku, biarlah ianya menjadi memori dalam lipatan sejarah kita. Please, jangan diulangi lagi. Yang penting, please back to Allah..hope for Allah blessing..InsyaAllah, hidayah Allah tu akan melekat terus dalam hati dan sanubari kita..aminn

Last but not least, mood tengah agak moody sbb tgh risau nak tinggalkan anak,takut rindu yang tiada berpenghujung..but my promise to her, i will bring u together with me when i got a chance to pursue for my PhD..aminn..please pray for me..


::F.Y.A.D:: forever and ever humble...

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

The Reason Why??

Assalam all bloggies,

How are u today?got fine as well?


Same as usual..noted, thanks.

Actually, what is the reason i'm choosing this entry to talk and share some knowledge??why??

Well, the reason why me and my husband choose not to stay in the current position (in govenrment)..hopefully people are really think out of the box, don't scream the idea just like huge rock in your double head..yeah..

There is no right or wrong to answer that question, The Reason Why??..The important is, Allah knows everything, what is in our head right now..

The right answer for me is:

1. I m straight away to answer that, i have no passion in army condition - just part of my contract with government so that, i must give my contribution on that. Other than that, i still hope for new way of life.

2. I really don't understand the 'double standard' in the flow process of continue study (especially abroad), promotion etc. I says based on contradiction of men and women. Yes, women are minor in army field but still have a 'place' to gain their achievement on education, promotion etc. Actually, in Navy the most high rank for women is only Commander - can u imagine that??

I think, i just can list 2 out of more than 10 in my thinking. Just to share something and don;t forget that, we live in Democratic country - so that, never say never!!!hehehe..

The right answer for my husband is (just what i have seen by my eyes..):

1. In his Intake, there is 12 officers who are joint this specific expertise. Can u imagine, out of 12, my husband got list number at 8/9 just because of the ages among them. *my husband still young, ouchh..hehehe..

2. A part of that, the chosen for attend staff college (one of the contribution for promotion) only 2 for his expertise. When we calculate all together, his intake already got their place at staff college since 2010 (2 officer for each year), and based on my husband aged, he can only joint the staff college 'program' on 2015/2016..Beside that, this month (year 2012), his intake already got a promotion to one step ahead rank..We proud of that but in their heard, only Allah knows everything. They are also human, same as people in other area.

yeah, same like me, i just list down 2 out of more than 10. Why??because, my husband still in the service, please hide all the reason.

But, for what reason??

two of us...
YES, for not choosing this area for seek a way of life - YES again for not depend only in some of the area 'hurt' in every days..I ask myself to not heart feeling because Allah knows everything. We seek for rainbow but actually Allah already create 'the best rainbows' for us..InsyaAllah.

::F.Y.A.D:: forever and ever humble...

Thursday, June 14, 2012

True Friend..

Assalam all,

who is ur true friend?

have u find someone who are really appreciate what have u done before??


When asked me, i should say that its really hard to find a true friend..friend are everywhere especially when u had a 'great time'..but, believe me, we can see the view if true friend when u are really in 'hard time'. Nobody cares about u, nobody concern about what have u doing, there are only care about 'how to talk about u' - of course, at the back stories..

Friendly speaking, i almost done all this thing. In almost 30th years of life, i would find someone who are really my true friend - forever and ever..when u put ur true friend, its always bear in your eyes, heart and of course when u want to do something, its comes smoothly - 'i should tell about this to my friend..bla..bla..'. Yeah, its true babe!

Out of the box, actually in our 1 life (in this world), we should have our true friend so that we can share and try not to be so selfish in what we try to observe. we need this in better future..


Because we cannot aspect what can happens in future?we are only can planned for future but we don't know whats happening in future even a day after today!Its all in Allah hand...we as caliph, just run the show..but, of course should thanks Allah in all the way of life - SHOULD!!!

Friend is just sense of your mirror - whether it can sparkling your life or not.

I already told my old friend, we can find our true friend when we leave the service - we know who is our friend. We must admit that!!When we leave the service, nobody cares about u, i think from 1000 list of friend on FB, its only below 50 in behind (who are really reply, tag etc..)..its happens on me babe..especially when u leave a service without acknowledge people!!..maybe some of ur friend list are already unfriend u...hehehe...For me, who cares!!!

Be true..

::F.Y.A.D:: forever and ever humble...

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Syukran..Visa Student dah dapat..yehaa

Assalam all my dearie,

Semalam saya ke Kedutaan Jepun untuk mengambil Visa yang siap diproses selama 3 hari bekerja saja - Jepun memang sangat efficient..tidak dinafikan.. itu story pasal visa, BTW..

Lama tak updated blog kan??memang sangat2 lama, rasanya dah lebih sebulan, sangat agak busy dgn bermacam2 perkara. Tapi, InsyaAllah, still ada masa untuk updated blog if saya tidak dalam rushing hour..macam biasalah, ada free, mesti saya terjah internet kan??

Hanya ada dalam lebih kurang 3 mggu sebelum saya berangkat ke Meiji University, Jepun - semua urusan immigration telah selesai - Alhamdulillah, tinggal persediaan sebelum berangkat saja.

Saya nak beli pelbagai barang2 'easy to carry' supaya senang saya nak masak kat sana - nak bawak curry powder, perencah nasi goreng, rempah2, serunding, ikan bilis etc...bla..bla...banyak, semua ada dalam list saya..bilik di Komae (kolej kediaman pelajar) ada semua peralatan memasak - so, takkan hari2 nak makan luar kan??so, senang, saya nak masak..hahaha..Insya Allah...

Berdebar rasa nak menjejakkan kaki ke bumi asing yang bahasanya langsung saya tak faham even skrg ni saya tengah intensive kelas Bahasa Jepun, tapi still blurrr..arghhhh, kadang2 tension jugak..nak taknak kena harung juga sebab dah dapat as Double Master student kan??Allah beri rezeki, kita kena hargai dan berterima kasih...yang lawaknya, husband kata 'senang la nanti nak apply scholarship PhD dari Government Jepun..hahaa...rasa tak sanggup nak harung kehidupan dengan blurr communication here n there...I still need my PhD in UK..Not in Japan okes...

Good bye Malaysia just for a while!
Kelas untuk MEBM-UTM pun dah settle, tinggal nak buat project thesis saja - Alhamdulillah for that, result pun Alhamdulillah, maintain in good level sbb nak kena score best CGPA dalam result Master as a part to apply for scholarship for my PhD..Ya Allah, permudahkan segalanya Ya Allah..

Ya Allah, permudahkan perjalanan ku ya Allah...permudahkan segala urusan kerana urusan ku keluar negara adalah demi menuntut ilmuMu Ya Allah dan akan aku kembangkan ke seluruh generasi anak2 didikku ya Allah..DemiMu Ya Allah, aku ikhlas menuntut ilmu demi keranaMu Ya Allah...amin, yarobbal alamin...

My journey is just begin...aminnn...

::F.Y.A.D:: forever and ever humble...

Pengalaman menjadi Tutor di UK

Assalam semua readers, Alhamdulillah, praised to Allah Al-Mighty, saya diberi peluang untuk menimba ilmu dan pengalaman menjadi Tutor unt...